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Social Entrepreneurship

Page history last edited by ellen evangelista 15 years, 6 months ago


Last Friday, I really had a great time listening to the speaker because what he said really make sense. At first, I really think “speaker again? I think I am going to be bored”. Actually when the speaker came, I am reading my groups thesis paper because we are preparing for our defense on that afternoon. As he speaks, I found my self slowly shifting my attention from my thesis paper to the speaker.


The speaker starts his discussion by asking does an Entrepreneurship is solely for making profit. He said that he was shocked by the class answer because that’s the first time he encounters people saying that Entrepreneurship isn’t solely for money making activity. It is also for giving jobs to other people and for helping the economy as well. Maybe it is a real surprise to hear some people associating the word entrepreneurship not solely for money but for the society also, by the way that can be considered as Social Entrepreneurship.


What I really like about his topic is the Seven Learning Disability which is the reason why we are (Filipino’s) not improving. I like the learning disabilities for the reason that they are actually true and I am also guilty having this.


The disabilities are:


[1]-I am my own position is when people focus only on their position within the organization and have little sense of responsibility for the results produced -when all positions interact.  


[2]-The enemy is out there syndrome is when we focus only on our position; we do not see how our own actions extend beyond the boundary of that position. 


[3]-The illusion of taking charge is that we should face up to difficult issues, stop waiting for someone else to do something, and solve problems before they grow into crises but pro-activeness is really a reaction in disguise.


[4]-The fixation on events leads to “event” explanations that are true for now but distract us from seeing the longer-term patterns of change behind the events and understanding the causes of the patterns to events.


[5]-The parable of the boiled frog is in relation to the mal-adaptation of organizations to recognize gradually building threats to survival; just as the frog placed in a pot of water brought to boiling temperature will not attempt to jump out of the pot but adjusts to the temperature and slowly dies.


[6]-The delusion of learning from experience is when our actions have consequences in the distant future or part of the larger operating system, which makes it impossible to learn from direct experience.


[7]-The myth of the management team because teams in business tend to spend their time fighting for turf, avoiding anything that will make them look bad personally, and pretending that everyone is behind the team’s collective strategy.


At the end of his talk, he tackle about the solution for this disabilities, and that is by using the idea of something like weighing scale(forgot the term.).

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