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My Book Reviews

Page history last edited by ellen evangelista 15 years, 10 months ago





Book: Cluetrain Manifesto

         Chapter 1: Internet Apocalypso

         Chapter 2: The Longing

         Chapter 3: Talk Is Cheap

         Chapter 4: Markets Are Conversations

         Chapter 5: The Hyperlinked Organization

         Chapter 6: EZ Answers

         Chapter 7: Post-Apocalypso



Book: Long Tail

         Long Tail


Book: Retail in Detail

          Chapter 3: Retail in Detail : Retail is it for you?



Book: Web 2.0

          Chapter 1: Max Mancini: eBay

        Chapter 2: Alan Meckler: Internet.com

        Chapter 3: Eric Engleman: Bloglines

        Chapter 4: Gina Bianchini: Ning

        Chapter 5: Dorion Carroll: Technorati

        Chapter 6: Rajo Vegesna: Zoho

        Chapter 7: Richard MacManus:Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup

        Chapter 8: TJ Kang: ThinkFree

        Chapter 9: Patrick Crane: LinkedIn

        Chapter 10: Shaun Walker: DotNetDuke

        Chapter 11: Biz Stone: Twitter

        Chapter 12: Seth Stenberg: Meebo

        Chapter 13: Joshua Schachter: del.icio.us

        Chapter 14: Ranjith Kumaran: YouSendIt

        Chapter 15: Garrett Camp: StumbleUpon




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